
         Thursday 20 february 2020

Aix-Marseille Université, Salle des colloques 1 - Bâtiment Multimédia 29 Av. Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence

8.30   Accueil des participants- Welcome tea & coffee

Welcome speech Anne Page, U.R. 853 - LERMA, AMU & Laurence Roussillon-Constanty, SFEVE

9.30   Conférence / Keynote speech Berny SEBE (Birmingham)

‘Showcasing Empire’ Past & Present: A Brief History of Popular Imperialism,

from Britannia to Brexit.

10.30  Courte pause / Short Break

                   Session 1 Imagining the Empire,  Chair Person : Walter Bruyere-Ostells (Science Po AMU)

10.45  S1-a- Patricia CROAN-VERON (Paris-Est Creteil): Showcasing Empire in Victorian and Edwardian popular fiction: maps, pictures, amulets, Zulu warriors … and the power of imagination.

11.15  S1-b-  S1-c- Nolwenn CORRIOU (Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne): The Egyptian Museum in Fiction: The Mummy’s Eyes as the “Black Mirror” of the Empire.

11.45  Question Time

DEJEUNER_Copie.png12.00-14.00 Déjeuner / Lunch - Cube

              Session 2, Wilderness, Wildlife and domesticated nature Chair person: Prof. Anne Marie Motard (U. Paul Valery Montp III)

14.00  S2-a- Amina ZARZI (Birmingham): Showcasing Emptiness: The conquest of the desert and the development of ‘Sahararomania’.

14.30  S2-b- Marine BELLEGO (EHESS): The Raj and its Banyan: the Calcutta Botanic Garden as an Imperial Microcosm

15.00  S2-c- Irina KANTARBAEVA-BILL (Toulouse Jean-Jaures): The Empire of Beasts: Victorian Animals Then and Now.

15.30  Question Time

15.45  Pause / Break

  Session 3 Too far East is West Chair person : Dr Matthew Graves (AMU)

16.15  S3-a- Helen GOETHALS (Toulouse Jean Jaurés): Showcasing Empire in J.A. Froude’s The English in the West Indies, or the Bow of Ulysses (1888).       

16.45  S3-b- Sonia LAMRI (Birmingham): Aesthetisation of the Orient in T. E. Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph (1922). 

17.15  S3-c- Tri TRAN (Tours) : Partir dans l’Empire avec les compagnies maritimes au XIXe siècle.

17.45  Question Time

18.15-19.00  General Assembly of the SFEVE (French Society for Victorian & Edwardian Studies)

20.00  Spectacle / Show

On t'appelle Vénus, (They call you Venus)

Chantal Loïal


Le Cube, 29 Av. Robert Schuman

Discussion with the artist


         Friday 21 Feb. 2020 Aix-Marseille Université

Aix-Marseille Université, Salle des colloques 1 - Bâtiment Multimédia29 ave Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence.

8.30   Accueil des participants – Welcome tea & coffee (AMU)

  Session 4 Missionary & Masonic (popular) cultures, Chair person: Prof. Fabienne Moine (U. Paris-Est-Creteil)

9.00   S4-a- Sam Antony KOCHERI CLEMENT (Birmingham), The Cultural Mine: The Bible.

9.30   S4-b- Maud MICHAUD (Le Mans): British Missionary Exhibitions (1880-1914): Empire and God’s Work on Display.

10.00  S4-c- Simon DESCHAMPS (Toulouse Jean Jaurés), Masonic Ritual and the Display of Colonial Power in 19th Century India.

10.30  Question Time

10.45  Pause / Break

11.15 Conference / Keynote speech John MacKenzie

‘Cultures of Display: the Mirror of Imperialism’

DEJEUNER_Copie.png12.30  Déjeuner / Lunch Cube 

           Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, 29 chemin du Moulin de Testa, Aix-en-Provence

              Session 5 (ANOM) Displaying the Empire Chair Person: Prof. Henry Medard (AMU)

14.00  S5-a- Nicole HARTWELL (National Museums Scotland): A Victorian Military Martyr: The Relics of General Charles Gordon.

14.30  S5-b- Sara MECHKARINI (Birmingham): The Representation of the Algerian War in French History Textbooks.

15.00  S5-c- Dega Sian RUTHERFORD (Birmingham): Spaces of Exaltation: Projecting superiority through display in urban Hong Kong.

15.30  Question Time

15.45  Pause / Break

16.15  Conférence / Keynote speech Vilasnee Tampoe Hautin (La Réunion)

Reverse perspectives. Empire seen from Within. Cinema Objects, Spaces and Edifices in the Limelight in Colonial India and Ceylon (1899-1950)

Visite guidée des ANOM / Guided tour of the French overseas archives

18.30  End of Conference

20.30  Conference diner


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